Wednesday, September 8, 2010


So right now, its 7:33pm. Ive got a nice, low cut dress on, and a little dog whos extremely adamant about sitting on my lap...especially when I dont want the excess hair on me :/

I was supposed to go to Toronto this morning and was supposed to have an appointment with an oral surgeon...but I got a phone call very last minute yesterday from the dr's office telling me that they would have to "reschedule" due to a personal emergency....fantastic. Do they know about the personal emergency that IM having?! Its called IMPACTED WISDOM TEETH! And it hurts like hell!!! So I've already called another oral surgeon in Brooklyn and Im going in next week...and I'm getting to the point where, Im going to be excited to be going in because it hurts so bad :(

Back to the dress....I was invited to a private event at the W starts at 8pm, but I intend to show fashionably late ;) then I'm heading to dinner with some girl friends after...

Tomorrow is also a very exciting day for me :) I have a super cool shoot at 2pm with a famous body painting artist! I'll be sure to take some pics and show you guys...and I'll be TOPLESS!!! *GASP* I LOOOVE body painting! its so interesting and it takes some serious a tattoo artist!

I also added some sexy halloween costumes on my amazon wishlist, as well as a couple dog costumes for Chola! The person who buys Chola a halloween costume will get an EXTRA SPECIAL gift from me!

Other then that, I'm sipping on some red wine, going to put on a bit of make up and head to this party :)  Hope everyone has a great hump day!



  1. Mmmmmmmmmmm, Painted lady pictures, love it can't wait ;) Hope you are able to get your teeth fixed soon, I know how painful that can be.

  2. hope your teeth don't hurt too bad, can't wait for the body painting pics!
