Thursday, April 4, 2013


My poor Chola has been sick all week with butt problems. I won't go into too many details as to save you from grossness but she has a ruptured anal gland. The vet flushed it out today and she's been put on an assortment of antibiotics. She has a follow up appointment next Thursday. 

I also can't believe that it's almost the weekend! This has been a really short week for me. I have some work to do on my blog that I should really buckle down and deal with...

Aside from that, I hope everyone is doing well and remember that I still have some videos available for purchase (Please check out the upper right hand box)

1 comment:

  1. Sorry about Chola and hope everything turns out ok. These pictures are so hot and I so love this outfit if you can call it that, LOL, but it shows off your natural curves so well..
