Tuesday, October 12, 2010

good day

Good day everyone! I was so grateful that my fitness shoot was cancelled this morning - phew! because I was wayyy too tired and totally not feeling like dragging my ass up to central park lol
So since I was already up early, i did a few things before heading to the gym...cereal, coffee, made the bed, vacuumed, fed the dog...Unfortunately, I didn't spend much time at the gym because after about 6 minutes of running, I started to have chest pains and trouble breathing...So i took it super easy at the gym because it felt like anything I did, was giving me a hard time catching my breathe....definitely not used to that feeling!
I'm sitting in the lounge right now drinking a red bull and doing some work before I head out to go for a tan...It's been a VERY long time since I've gone for a tan and I really need it...I have very sensitive skin and I know when its time for me to get some color when I can scratch an itch on my face, and it leaves red marks...not too pretty if you ask me!
Other then that, I'm going to try and take some more pics for you guys today...TRY being the operative word here.

Hope everyone has a great day!!



  1. I thought not having a shoot was a bad thing LOL. Glad you were able to be productive with you free time ;)

  2. Hey Gorgeous,I am not telling you this to scare you but you should have yourself checked out by your Primary Doctor,The shortness of breath and chest pain you described sould be something to be looked into,It's probably nothing but PLEASE see your Doc.and you'll feel much better that you did,Your fans will be Thankful too,I'm Sure!!!

  3. hehe, as I said, you could be any of them, your majesty :)

  4. the disney ladies look like they are "rolling"
