Sunday, September 19, 2010

around the city :)

My day was quite long...Im sitting here exhausted, my feet sore (yet again) and i'm also wondering to myself if my jaw is having problems healing because im still in A LOT of pain...I feel like its more pain then one should normally feel...If im still feeling this way after wednesday, I'm going to go back and see the doctor to see whats going on.

My Fav Pho <3
Anyways, I started my day like every other getting dressed, which you saw ;) Then I made my way slowly to china town so that I could have my favorite vietnamese for lunch.

 I've been having to do everything much slower when it comes to eating, so a 15 minute lunch for me took upwards of 40 minutes today.  After lunch I decided I would finally browse through the stores on the street that I always pass by...I saw lots of crazy buddha's and different carvings out of jade and such...including penises!!! LOL I couldnt help but take a picture for you guys ;)

The store keeper wasnt too please that I was taking pics so I had to leave pretty quickly...I continued up the street, towards SoHo, avoiding broadway so I could stay away from people...and when I stopped to put my hair up in front of a small store (using the window as a mirror) I suddenly realized what I was looking at...A store filled with assorted hentai! for those of you who dont know what hentai is, its essentially japanese anime porn, very graphic... anyways, one particular thing that caught my eye was my beloved street fighter characters having rough sex!! blasphemy!

After all that, I went around SoHo looking for a store with good winter coats because that cold days are going to creep up on me super fast!!! I went to like 4 different stores all through SoHo and Union Square...I finally settled on 2 different Canada Goose ones that I really like (which can now be found on my wishlist)
Along the way, I also stopped at a MacDonalds and treated myself to an oreo mcflurry :) I havent had one in yeeeeeears!!! they were just as delicious as i remember :D what a lovely treat

I figured since I was already uptown, I would make my way over to the new Eatily...its a fancy market Mario Batalli opened up...
an expensive one too...geee wiz!!! but it looked beautiful!!! I could have walked around in there for hours, if there werent so many people.
waiting in line for Eatily
But perhaps another day. After all that I decided it was time to start making my way home...and here I am now :)

Going to take some pain meds, have a snack and tea and maybe play some pokemon :)

Later on I'm going to watch the episode premier of Boardwalk Empire! Looks really good...

Hope everyone has a great night <3



  1. Sounds like you had a busy day. LMAO at the Street Fighter porn. Have a good night, I wish I could watch Boardwalk Empire looks really good...(you look really good too) ;)

  2. Quite a tour & day.We have a Chinatown & vietnamese food is pretty good.Look out dildos! Those jade pieces are something.But Angel you exploring these cultures is beautiful.I've seen the preview of Boardwalk Empire.Looks pretty good.
